5 Ways to Make Your Scholarship Essay Stand Out

It’s no secret that college is expensive. One way to ease the financial burden is through scholarships, a form of financial aid that doesn’t need to be repaid. Scholarships can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, but winning them requires strong credentials and a well-crafted essay.

With so many components to the college application, it’s common for students to rush through certain parts. However, experts emphasize the importance of dedicating careful attention to scholarship applications and essays.

“A scholarship can mean the difference between graduating debt-free or accumulating substantial student loans,” says Liz Doe Stone, president of Top Tier Admissions, an admissions consulting company. “The financial relief can also provide more freedom in choosing a career path without the pressure of loan repayments and open up other professional opportunities, since scholarships look great on a resume and may facilitate networking opportunities.”

Students should approach scholarship applications and essays as if they are applying for a job, suggests Haley Lindsey, director of financial aid at Missouri Western State University.

“Essentially, you’re trying to obtain money,” says Lindsey, whose role includes reviewing scholarship applications. “When you’re writing your essay, be professional. You want to put your best foot forward.”

Here are five ways students can make their scholarship essays stand out:

  1. Start Early

Scholarships have deadlines throughout the year, but many, especially local scholarships, typically have deadlines from January through April of a student’s senior year. Regardless of the deadline, experts agree on one thing: start writing essays as soon as possible. Procrastination often leads to poor writing.

“It’s critical to give yourself enough time to research, write, revise, and seek expert feedback,” Stone says. “Your final draft should clearly make the case that your goals align with the scholarship’s mission and values, and this process takes time.”

Students can save a lot of time by pre-writing and reusing essays, but they should be prepared to tailor them carefully to the specific school or organization awarding the scholarship.

Pre-writing essays can be especially useful for students applying for many scholarships. Writing a unique essay for every scholarship can lead to burnout and negatively affect the quality of their essays, says Bethany Hubert, financial aid specialist and manager of high school partnerships at Going Merry, a free scholarship application platform.

“I would much rather a student have two or three essays in their pocket that they’re super confident about, that they spent hours on over the summer and can use again,” she says.

  1. Craft a Strong Opening

Scholarship committees often sift through hundreds of applications and essays. The ones that stand out capture the reader’s attention from the start with a strong hook that creates curiosity in the reader’s mind, says Andrew Simpson, editorial director for College Essay Guy, which offers coaching on college admissions and essay writing.

This opening “clearly sets up the experience and stakes that drive the essay forward, but again does so relatively succinctly,” Simpson says.

Introductions that drop the reader into the action through an anecdote or personal story tend to be effective and persuade the reader to keep reading, Stone says.

“Remember, the classic advice to ‘show, not tell’ is key,” she says. “Use descriptive language to paint a picture and immerse your reader in the action.”

  1. Tell Your Story

Committees want to see how students can connect their personal achievements to their future goals and how the scholarship will help them achieve those goals. Committees don’t need applicants to be “level 10/10 vulnerable,” Simpson says, “but a lot of strong scholarship essays we’ve seen include moments or details that make us feel connected to the students, that make us root for them.”

Students can do this by sharing their personal stories. For example, Hubert says she won several scholarships by writing about her journey as a first-generation college student. Sharing such background allows scholarship committees to understand an applicant at a deeper level.

One student Hubert worked with wrote a scholarship-winning essay about attending college despite her parents not doing so, explaining how she plans to forge her own path.

“This made me feel something, and it resonated with me on a personal level,” Hubert says. “Statements that are direct, clear, and evoke an emotion are great for essays asking you to discuss a personal experience.”

Authenticity is important to scholarship committees, so applicants should focus on what makes them “a uniquely deserving candidate for this award,” rather than what they think the committee wants to hear, says Carolyn Pippen, a college admissions counselor at admissions consulting firm IvyWise.

“A great essay about a seemingly mundane or ‘unimpressive’ topic that helps the reader understand you more clearly will always be more effective than a generic, surface-level response about a more ‘exciting’ topic,” Pippen wrote in an email.

Be cautious of tone, however. While applicants don’t want to come across as arrogant, they should sound confident in their essays and still be the main character in their story, Stone says.

“It’s easy to write an essay about a meaningful mentor, family member, or friend,” she says, “but these details distract from what the scholarship committee wants to know about: you! An effective scholarship essay will highlight your achievements and/or discuss the challenges you have overcome through concrete experiences that make your essay more memorable.”

  1. Answer Prompts Directly and Thoroughly

Scholarship essays vary in length, but many give students around 500 words to share their message. Some essay prompts are open-ended, but most ask very specific questions. Applicants should read the prompt thoroughly and directly address what it’s asking.

Lindsey says she occasionally reads essays where applicants don’t fully answer the prompt or even leave some parts blank.

“If you can’t answer all the questions, then why should I reward you?” she asks.

Since the runway for most scholarship essays is so short, students need to get to the point immediately and efficiently tell their story, focusing on one or two solid examples to directly answer the question, Pippen says. Hubert suggests students use the AEC formula to get their point across quickly: assertion, evidence, then commentary.

Students should have someone proofread their completed essay without knowledge of the prompt, Hubert says. If the reader can discern what the prompt was only by reading the essay, the student will know they answered the question directly.

“A lot of times, people who are writing miss that and they end up writing a really good essay, but it has nothing to do with the prompt or it dances around it,” she says.

  1. Use Strong and Sound Writing

While students may be lax when text messaging with friends, that style of writing should not carry over to scholarship essays. Using shorthand, slang, or improper sentence structure, grammar, or punctuation is a surefire way to lose credibility in the eyes of essay readers, experts say.

“It is very common and I see it a lot of the time where instead of saying ‘you,’ students put ‘u,’” Lindsey says. “That’s a huge turnoff to scholarship committees. If you can’t take the two extra seconds to put in the two extra letters, that’s not a good essay to me. They don’t have to be phenomenal writers, but if they’re not giving me the full word or if they’re using that texting language, it’s an automatic out for me.”

Such writing also typically signals a lack of time spent crafting the essay. Successful essays undergo multiple drafts and edits to ensure strong writing, Simpson says.

Example of a Scholarship-Winning Essay

The following excerpt, used with permission from Stone, comes from an essay that won a student a scholarship.

This prompt asked applicants how their course of study will contribute to their future career and why they chose that path. The applicant goes on to explain what they’ve already done to gain experience and knowledge in this field, including creating an app that educates people on bills being passed or voted on that pertain to immigrants’ rights within their state. The applicant then mentions a class they took at Brown University in Rhode Island where the final project was an infographic highlighting the challenges immigrants face and what U.S. citizens can do to help.

“This scholarship essay effectively articulates the student’s post-college goals and how these goals are rooted in their specific high school experiences and accomplishments,” Stone says. “By linking their intended course of study to their advocacy for immigrants and refugees, they demonstrate both a strong commitment to community activism and a practical understanding of the challenges faced by immigrants. This alignment of past experiences with future aspirations – as well as their sincere dedication to making a positive impact through their chosen field – resonated with the scholarship committee.”

This article was originally published on usnews. Read the original article.



How long should my scholarship essay be?

Scholarship essays typically range from 250 to 500 words, but it’s essential to follow the specific guidelines provided by each scholarship.

Can I use the same essay for multiple scholarships?

Yes, you can use the same essay, but make sure to tailor it to each specific scholarship’s requirements and prompts.

How do I choose a topic for my essay?

Choose a topic that highlights your strengths, experiences, and goals. Ensure it aligns with the scholarship’s mission and values.

What should I avoid in my scholarship essay?

Avoid using slang, improper grammar, and generic responses. Focus on being authentic and directly addressing the prompt.

How important is the conclusion of my essay?

The conclusion is crucial as it summarizes your main points and reinforces your message. Make sure it leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

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